Haven’t you heard?
The (Somewhat) Official
Album Track List
Track 1. It’s Your World
Track 2. Dash Star (coming soon)
Track 3. My Flame (coming soon)
Track 4. (TBD)
Track 5. (This track is also TBD)
Track 6. (Thinking...)
Track 7. (To be Determined!)
Track 8. Haven‘t You Heard? (coming soon)
A new wave is here.
“About four years ago, I felt a noticeable difference in myself and the world around me. The landscape for so many industries, personal values, and institutions are now being reevaluated, discussed and reflected in the media we consume. There’s this felling of newness coupled with collective determination for society to improve for the better and everyone is weighing in their thoughts or ideas. Whether that’s through journalism, visual art, music, or social media,...the ability to express one’s self has always been the catalyst for what shapes culture and we’re in the middle of a huge shift currently. It’s because of this that I feel inspired to do my part, to use my voice now more than ever.”
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